This week marks the beginning of the first ever winter sport season here at Wyoming High School. Competative cheer tryouts started on Monday, November 5th. The final day for tryouts will be Wednesday, November 7th.
On Monday, a surprising 37 girls came out and showed their skills. Day 1 was a chance for girls to get warmed up and know what to expect. They also learned part of a cheer routine that they will need to perform at the final day 3 of tryouts. Day 2 girls were evaluated on the previously learned cheer along with skills such as splits, back walk overs, back handsprings, back tucks and any other skills they may have had. Day 3 will be the final day for tryouts. Groups of eight girls will go in front of the coaches one last time to prove that they are meant to be there. The results for who made the team will be posted early Thursday morning in the athletic office and practices will begin that evening.
These next couple weeks will entale many more tryouts. Bowling tryouts will be held November 14 through 16th at Spectrum Lanes immediately after school. And basketball tryouts will also be coming up quickly.